Monday, June 1, 2009

3 days in Utah

3 days. 4 National Parks - Arches, Canyonlands, Bryce, and Zion. First night in Utah, camped out near the Colorado River. It was probably the most memorable night thus far. With the Colorado River in front view and the night sky above me, I think I got the best night of sleep on that river than anywhere else I've camped.

Late yesterday afternoon at about 6PM I drove into California. I had planned on spending the night in Hava Su, AZ, but on a whim decided to hit up Death Valley instead. That probably wasn't the smartest idea. The reason being, the drive into the park was an additional hundred miles, and the afternoon temperature was close to 100 degrees. I felt like a potato being slowly cooked inside an oven.

Then there was a pass that required day headlights. I still haven't figure that part out. Why does the state law require cars to turn on their headlights in broad day light? That's something I'll have to google when I get a chance.

The drive to the park felt pretty eerie. There weren't any other cars for miles on end. To make matters worse, I wasn't sure if the park would be open by the time I got to the entrance. With only about an hour of sunlight left, I had to make a decision: drive back to town, or continue onwards. There were many points where I told myself to turn back and head towards town, but each time, I told myself to push on forward.

Anyway, glad I did. Turns out the park itself remains open 24-7. The campsite wasn't much, but at least I had a place to spend the night :\

I'm currently blogging in a library somewhere in Palm Springs, CA, and am about to head to Joshua Tree - the last National Park on my list for this trip.